Three years old...it's really hard to believe that you are alrealdy such a big girl. You've accomplished a lot this year - from potty training to maintaining a gum-free sinus cavity, and the latter of which I am definitely the most grateful for! I keep having more fun with you as each year passes, so I'm sure this year will not be any different. Not ever knowing what is going to come out of that mouth of yours is constant entertainment, and sometimes, embarassment. Your unique and fiesty personality is what Daddy and I prize most about our Makki...you are definitely one-of-a-kind; never to be duplicated. Try not to pack so much heat in that punch, and let's work on keeping our short-fused temper in check, as you are older and wiser! Being "three" is sure to be a whirlwind adventure for us all....I love you so very much, Mak-aroni!
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