Whew! The Tinkerbell Party was a definite success! Makenzi was beyond excited to be the birthday girl and to have her beloved cousins and friends attend her party. There was lots of jumping, sweating, cake, and presents, and two very tired parents after the party was over! My living room is now a psuedo-playroom until I can make room for the millions of toys she opened at Jump N' Jungle! She stayed up until well past her bed time, trying her hardest to play (or partly open) each and every toy. Alee and Alyx spent the night, so the girls had loads of fun playing with the "girly" toys. (There were a few fights, but no blood!)
The Ketchum boys were also in town, but didn't spend the night. We did, however, have a very lengthy (but enjoyable, mind you) day playing, and fighting, playing and fighting....not in that particular order! I've come to the conclusion that if The Cousins (we are our own mob) were ever to end up at the same school system together, they would definitely take over, if not destroy the school! Since my sisters and I are friends of the public schools, the Hart girls will stay in Lubbock, Layci and her gals will stay in Amarillo, and Hayli & her crew will stay in White Deer so our combined forces will not overwhelm and disentegrate the public school system as we know it! Syd and Mak absolutely LOVE and adore their cousins, but they are all so much alike that the "personalities" can be exhausting when combined!
Makenzi had a grand time at her party - eating yummy Tinkerbell cake, jumping for over an hour, and opening loads of awesome gifts. She was so tired and elated after her party, that I'm sure it will be several days before she comes down from her birthday high. Thank you to all that attended, all that sent gifts, and to all that love our Makenzi Jo. She is a fun gal to love, and we are blessed that God gave us this amazing little girl to love and raise!
The traditional "Birthday Pancakes" always start our birthday!

She was so excited to wear the Tink costume to the party! Uncle Bub and Aunt Tara, thank you for the cute costume!

Um, of course Syd had to wear a costume, too. Good think we had another!
My favorite picture!