Monday, June 18, 2012

Sisterly Love!

I knew the girls would love Brinkli, but didn't think their attentiveness towards her would last long. I sort of thought she'd arrive, they'd be excited about the novelty of it all, and go on about business as usual. I was so wrong. They wake up and seek her out, and go to bed arguing who gets to hold her next. They are constantly seeking out her attention and she rewards them with beaming smiles. Brink looks at them like they are the two coolest chicks on planet Earth! It's so funny to watch Brink's expression when the girls are wrestling and goofing off in front of her. She has such a look of longing and her little legs wiggle with anticipation...she wants to join in the fun! I hope they will always be this loving and protective of her. Especially when she becomes mobile and can jack with their stuff!

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