Monday, March 16, 2009

Fancy 'Do's and Outfits!

Having girls is such a blast! Not only do I get to dress them up and shop for them, but I'm also in charge of hair! Sydni is very fashion conscious for her age, and is now starting to pick out her clothing, but sometimes she has odd requests for what she wears. It's frustrating, especially when we are running late most mornings, and she wants to wear odd combinations! In the picture below she demanded to wear her athletic socks and white Sunday school shoes with her outfit! I pick and choose my battles, because like her Mommy and Daddy, she has a very hard head and doesn't negotiate! We are also experimenting with new hairstyles as the girls' hair grows longer. I've been having to learn a few new things here and there, but I love getting to play with different styles. Donnie also seems to enjoy the compliments we receive when the girls look cute. They never go to daycare or out in public without their hair fixed, so it bothers him if it's not looking pretty! I never thought he would be as particular as me about their clothing and hair, but he's turned into a very fashion savvy Daddy of little girls!

Check out the socks! Sydni is also striking a pose!

I'm calling Tyra to sign her up for the new season!
Mak is working on her runway pose!
They bring a "friend" to school each day for nap time.
Love my Makki Jo!

The "fishtail ponytail". They love this braid!

Looking cute for school.

Awww, Makki puts a hand around Sydni, her idol!

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