Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a Great Game!

Go Tech!

You can't tell, but we are a bundle of nerves at half-time!

I have been a Tech fan since I attended my first game in the 5th grade, and I have witnessed the eternal struggle between The Raiders and The Longhorns each year. Every year I want Tech "beat their asses", as Coach Knight so eloquently put it, but for Donnie and I, this year was so important to our school. Not only were the Longhorns ranked number 1, but Tech was finally in the top ten, as well. We've been waiting so long for our team to get it together and be great, and it seems that this is our year!
It's wierd how personally invested I was in this game! I was nervous from Monday morning on this week, and on Saturday, I felt like I did before track meets in high school. It is crazy to say that I couldn't even sleep on Friday night, due to nerves. (I don't think I could have handled dating Donnie whenever he played! I would have been a nervous wreck!) We arrived at the stadium by noon, knowing that the crowds would be too insane for us to make to Game Day (ESPN's sports program was there). The feeling around the stadium tailgate parties was positive and everyone was confident that we could actually pull this off!
Donnie was much more nervous than I was (if that's possible), and I really think if they would have let him play, he would have suited up. The first half was amazing, but we are true Tech fans, so we know that Tech has a history of breaking our hearts! The Longhorns nearly took it back, but once again, Michael Crabtree proved he is the best wide reciever in college football by making a spectacular (and near impossible) catch, broke two tackles, stayed in bounds, and scored with only one second remaining. The refs then called the touchdown "under review" and I think my heart stopped during the thirty seconds it took for them to review it! When the said it was indeed a touchdown, Donnie literally leaped onto the rail behind us. It was CRAZY, fun, and such a relief! As my friend Ashlee said, "I've never seen so much love shared between grown men", because people were hugging, jumping, crying, was so cool to have been there!
New Jones Stadium attendance record! 56,333
Yes! We did it!
The students rushed the field for the SECOND time, after realizing there was still a second left on the clock. I think my voice is so hoarse because I was yelling at them to "get of the field you idiots!" Oy!
39-33, Tech dethrones #1 Texas Longhorns! Awesome!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I am SO sad our Longhorns lost, but I'm glad that if we had to lose it was to Tech and not OU!!