Putting into words how grateful I am to the plethora of friends and family who threw Brinks and I such a great shower today seems impossible! Thank you, Emily Bennett, for hosting this amazing shin-dig in your beautiful home...and during TAX SEASON! You are such a sweet, true friend and you have ALWAYS been a cheerleader of the Hart Family! We love you! To the rest of my hostesses (Marci Beene, Shayne Bowen, Dana Garza, and Ashlee Laycock) this shower was phenomenal. I walk into Brinkli's room and just want to cry...I'm so overwhelmed with the generosity and love bestowed upon this little girl who has yet to arrive. Donnie and I have such loving, caring, and thoughtful friends and family. I can't wait for this little girl to meet each and every one of you! I know she will be as loved and cared for as Syd and Mak. :) Now for the pics of this sweet event...
My Super Hostesses and I - Dana Garza, Shayne Bowen, Big Momma, Ashlee Laycock, Marci Beene, and Emily Bennett |
The satin shirt isn't creating an optical illusion...the belly really is that big! |
The talented Emily Bennett made this fantastic center piece! |
Denise Mott and her fabulous self created a DELICIOUS cupcake onsie! |
YUM! |
More Yum! |
We opened presents for nearly an hour! |
Sydni was my present-opening assistant! It's crazy to think that my pretty Syd-o was the beach ball under my shirt at my last shower! (Makki preferred to stay home and "help" Daddy entertain her cousins!) |
Pretty girl...love this little chick! She is SOOOOO excited to be a big sister again! |
How cute is this stroller/car seat? With Syd and Mak, they didn't make girly carseats and strollers. |
...AMAZING...and this is only HALF of the loot! |
Wow, wow, and WOW! |
So blessed... |
The AWESOME letters my talented sister, Layci Danner, painted for Brinkli's nursery. Donnie is helping me set up and put away everything tomorrow...pics of her nursery are to come, so be on the look-out! |
I better start writing my thank you notes NOW....I might be able to finish before her 1st birthday!