Unless I'm going snow skiing, purposely going outside in this kind of weather holds no appeal to me. So when the girls began begging at 9am to go outside and play in the snow, I knew that the only way to avoid having this discussion all day long would be to go ahead and let them. We do not have proper snow gear so we rounded up every article of warm clothing we could find, bundled them up, and sent them on their way. I'm a wimp about cold weather, so the pictures you see below are taken from the kitchen window. I'm a jerk, and told them it was a "Daddy's job" to build a snowman with them, so that's why I was staying inside. Donnie gave me several go-to-you-know-where looks for making such a statement, but no amount of guilt on their part could get dear ole' Dad in his winter gear THAT EARLY in the morning. Instead of bonding with Dad through snowman building, they settled for eating snow, playing on the fort, pelting the dogs with snowballs, and making lop-sided snow angels. The whopping TEN MINUTES they spent outside was pure bliss!
They are doing their best to convince Fudge to climb up the slide.
"FUDGEY! COME UP HERE!" I didn't think he would do it, but...
That's him, looking out over the fence! Can you imagine seeing a huge, chocolate lab peering at you from the fort?