As many of you know, Donnie coached soccer in Wichita Falls (Rider High School) and Monterey High School here in Lubbock, so he knows a thing or two about soccer drills and workouts. When he signed the girls up for soccer, the director told him that there would be a try-out and draft next week. Donnie quizzed him about the different drills and skills the girls would have to perform in the draft and decided we should get a leg up on the competition. From now until the try-out, Coach Daddy will be running the girls through soccer girls each night. As you can see from the video below, Coach Daddy has some work to do! (But we have cute pink cleats for the big least there's that taken care of. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sydni's First Day of School 2009
Even though Sydni has been attending daycare during the school year since she was one, that fact didn't make her starting Kindergarten any easier! I wasn't sure how the first day would affect Donnie and I, but I think we made it through without breaking down into racking sobs in the school hallway. We both teared up in the car and then left it at that. Crying would have rained on our super-excited Sydni's parade, and what a parade it was! She was out of bed like a firecracker that morning, making sure we didn't forget to pack her lunch, that we had her backpack ready to go, and that her hair and outfit were just right. She was even practicing what she would say to her teacher as she ate her pancakes! Needless to say, she didn't hesitate to enter her classroom after we arrived at the Kindergarten door. Even though Mommy and Daddy lingered in the room for second hugs, our little girl was confident and ready her first day of "big kid school"!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
You and Me Going Fishin' in the Dark...
The girls have been DYING to go fishing this summer, so Pop and Granny bought them some pink Barbie fishing poles and whisked us away to Buffalo Springs Lake last night. We were on the bank for only ten or so minutes before Mak already had one hooked! She caught another within fifteen minutes of her first, and then was bored with the whole fishing experience because it was "easy", as she told me. Sydni finally reeled one in after Daddy found a spot where they were biting. Sydni released hers back into the water without batting a pretty eye, but Makenzi wasn't touching that "cooky fish" with a ten foot pole! I grew up fishing at Tucker Pond, CO nearly every summer, so I had forgotten how much I love to fish! The girls really need to have a full-blown camping experience, so maybe we can visit Grandad Wayne next summer and camp out & fish in the Colorado mountains. Thank goodness Granny Deb and Pop are building a house at Buffalo Lake, because their granddaughters are so outdoorsy! I'm sure they will be Granny and Pop's lake buddies in the near future.
She caught more fish than the rest of us and had the least amount of patience.
Boat Ride at Buffalo Springs
Pop and Granny took the girls on a boat ride around the lake. They love the outdoors and every aspect of the lake experience. We had lots of fun cruising the lake, and plan on doing it again very soon!
Dinner at the Crusty Crab, Buffalo Lake
Buffalo Lake has a cute diner called The Crusty Crab which makes the girls think we are going to dine with Sponge Bob every time they hear the name of that place! We had lots of fun eating catfish with Granny, Pop. Carla, Jeff, Poppa and Neenaw, Moe and Darlene. Makenzi took a few of these pics, so keep that in mind!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Movie With Belle!
The girls love the movies, and even more so when they have their best buddy, Belle Bennett on hand for the festivities! Just like Emily and Bryan are Mommy and Daddy's movie buds, Belle is now the girls' favorite movie pal. We recently saw G-Force in 3D with little Miss Belle, and had a ball!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
KLBK Interview 2004
This video is from 2004 when KLBK came to our home to interview Donnie. Sydni was only 3 months old!
Monday, August 17, 2009
If Lady Ga-Ga Only Knew...
My sisters and mother will shake their heads knowingly after reading this post, but I have a stupid habit of being.... well, stupid, when it comes to all things song and dance. Donnie finds it endearing yet annoying at the same time, but lucky for him I've passed this ADORABLE trait on to Sydni and Makenzi. We love to sing at the top of our lungs, shake our booties (Makki is the very best booty shaker, I know), and just BE SILLY from time to time. Case in point, one of our favorite songs on the radio is "Poker Face" by Lady Ga-Ga. We change the chorus, "Can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my poker face", to "GOPHER FACE" and then we make the faces below. Donnie is mortified when we do the face in public places, but we giggle SO MUCH when this song comes on....I bet you will never hear the lyrics the same way again! Ha!

Sydni's Gopher Face
And Mommy's...Donnie is so proud of his hot wife! Ha!
Backpack, Backpack! (In the tune of Dora...)
Our neighbor and friend Hannah, works for Stephen Joseph Gifts ( a uber cute line of kids gifts and clothing) and gave Sydni an ADORABLE cheerleader backpack for her birthday. Being the sweet friend that she is, Hannah also brought Makenzi a smaller, quilted version of Sydni's leather backpack. Here the girls are modeling their gifts! Sydni is ready for her first day of school on the 24th. Pray for Mommy and Daddy....both of us have already teared up over just the THOUGHT of our precious angel starting Kindergarten!
Welcome to My Classroom!
Take video tour of my 8th grade classroom...I had just put a piece of gum in my mouth before shooting this, so please pardon my chomping. And no, I don't get on to my kids for chewing gum, so I don't want to hear about the teacher's use of it! ;) I love my classroom and preparing for a new year. This will be my EIGHT year to teach, and like my daughter's growing, it has flown by. The age bracket I teach (13-14 year olds) can sometimes be a challenge, but I feel like I am in my element with 8th graders. I love the fact that they are not "too cool" to be silly with me, but are mature enough to be deep and surprisingly complex in our classroom discussions. No matter what you might think about 8th graders, it really is a wonderful age to teach! Bring on the 24th! I'm ready to meet my new group of kiddos!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Monkey See, Monkey Do!
I had a feeling that Sydni's recent piercing would inspire our little one to do the same. She woke me up this morning asking if she was "gonna get her ea-ahs pierced" and I told her that she could. We loaded up that afternoon and headed back to Claire's for a repeat performance. She was a trouper and didn't seem scared until the actual puncture happened. Sydni had spent the entire ride to the mall telling Mak that it didn't hurt, but you could see by the look on her face after the deed was done, that she thought we were all full of poopy! Not a tear was shed, but she wouldn't talk to any of us for a few minutes afterward! Here are picks from the experience, and below you will find a super-sweet video of Syd talking to Mak before her piercing. Sydni didn't know I was recording the first part of it, and I was so happy to capture one of the many sweet conversations the two have with one another. Even though they can throw punches like cage fighters, they really do adore each other most of the time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
New Clothes, New Earrings, READY FOR KINDERGARTEN!!
Syd and I had so much fun today. I forget how special one-on-one time is for your children! After dropping Makenzi off at Granny Deb's (who is not a fan of shopping), I made the mistake of telling Sydni that she was in charge and that this was HER day! Little did I know that she would take that statement and run with it! We went to the mall and immediately went to The Children's Place to see if they had the dresses she had seen on-line. They had the dresses and then some, because we left the store with most of their fall line!
She also saw a commercial advertising the rhinestone toe Sketchers (this kid can memorize commercials line for line...remember her telling me that "cash for gold can save you money"???) and wanted a pair of them. I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about and promised her that we would try to find them. She has a 6th sense for shopping, and spotted them while walking past Journey Kids. We left with the last size 11 pair, so I guess it was destiny! She was so pumped, and had to put them on and wear them out of the store! I must also mention that she changed into an outfit we purchased in The Children's Place and wore it out of the store as well. (My Nana used to let me do stuff like that, so I think she has passed her love of fashion and accessories down to Syd-o.) I'm going to have to hide her new clothes to keep her out of them before school starts! Sheesh!
On the way out of the mall we passed Claire's (a jewelry store), and I casually mentioned that she should end such a big day by getting her ears pierced. Please keep in mind that she has been wanting to pierce her ears for over a year, but has been too chicken to actually follow through with it. I was shocked when she said, "Sure, Mom!" like I had just asked her if she wanted a piece of gum or something. There was already a lady in front of us about to get her baby's ears pierced, so I figured that she would back out after hearing the little girl scream! Much to my surprise, she followed through and left the store with two diamond studs in her ears (fake, mind you, but don't think she hasn't already mentioned that Daddy needs to buy her real ones...yeah, right!). Here are pictures of our newly punctured daughter:
She also saw a commercial advertising the rhinestone toe Sketchers (this kid can memorize commercials line for line...remember her telling me that "cash for gold can save you money"???) and wanted a pair of them. I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about and promised her that we would try to find them. She has a 6th sense for shopping, and spotted them while walking past Journey Kids. We left with the last size 11 pair, so I guess it was destiny! She was so pumped, and had to put them on and wear them out of the store! I must also mention that she changed into an outfit we purchased in The Children's Place and wore it out of the store as well. (My Nana used to let me do stuff like that, so I think she has passed her love of fashion and accessories down to Syd-o.) I'm going to have to hide her new clothes to keep her out of them before school starts! Sheesh!
On the way out of the mall we passed Claire's (a jewelry store), and I casually mentioned that she should end such a big day by getting her ears pierced. Please keep in mind that she has been wanting to pierce her ears for over a year, but has been too chicken to actually follow through with it. I was shocked when she said, "Sure, Mom!" like I had just asked her if she wanted a piece of gum or something. There was already a lady in front of us about to get her baby's ears pierced, so I figured that she would back out after hearing the little girl scream! Much to my surprise, she followed through and left the store with two diamond studs in her ears (fake, mind you, but don't think she hasn't already mentioned that Daddy needs to buy her real ones...yeah, right!). Here are pictures of our newly punctured daughter:
"Aren't they beautiful?" she asked me, as I was taking her picture.
When the Girls Steal My Camera...
I went to download pictures today, and discovered why the lense of my camera was a little grubby. Apparently, I have freelance photographers in my own home! Who knew they could have so much fun with the camera! Check out my budding photographer's exclusive pics below...I can just imagine the giggling that took place during this shoot!
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