You could sell anything to my four year old if you put it into commercial format. She believes everything she sees on a commercial, and I've been noticing this more and more! Granny Mar measured her for a SNUGGIE last weekend because Sydni pauses the Snuggie commercial everytime it is on and makes Donnie or I watch it. She REALLY wants one and told me, "Mommy, you need one because you can read a book without your arms showing." She also goes on to quote most of the selling points of the commercial. I mean, really, it's a blanket with sleeves! What "selling points" could a commercial for that possibly make? Either way, Sydni wants one and Granny Mar plans to make her Snuggie dreams a reality!
Another example of her commercial fixation came from a conversation she had with Granny Deb the other day:
Sydni: What place are we at, Granny?
(She says this as they pull into Home Plate Diner.)
Granny: This is Home Plate Diner.
Sydni: Oh, I like Home Plate Diner.
Granny: Really?
Sydni: Yeah, they have a good meatloaf special.
Deb said she started laughing because she has been seeing the diner's recent commercials advertising a "meat loaf special"! Donnie and I are in big trouble when she starts requesting the expensive stuff she sees in commercials!