Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sydni is Eight Today!

If you want time to fly, have a kid. In fact, have three if you want it to be a blur of growing babies! Sydni is eight today, which is incredibly hard to believe. She was our first little Hart experiment, and she's grown into such a sassy, sweet little girl.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three Months Old!

It's sad and also amazing how quickly a tiny, squawking newborn morphs into a smiling, gurgling baby! Brinkli is beyond adorable and sweet. We couldn't of asked for a better baby. I'm looking forward to spending the summer with her and savoring her delicious babiness!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Family Pics

I'm beyond behind with this blog. My hope is that summer will change this trend. Having three kids is, well, challenging to say the least, but we are managing! Here are some family pics that we had taken on a whim on Mother's Day. I want to have more "professional" pics taken once this baby weight is gone, so look out for soem great shots this fall. (Yes, I plan on it taking the entire summer and part of fall to lose it! Ha!)