Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break!

Yes, more pics of our sweet Brinkli...I'm not ignoring my other children, I promise! We had a special treat to kick off our Spring Break - Aunt Hayli and the boys came to visit, and in my defense, the girls are going 100 miles an hour when their cousins are in town, so it's really hard to get a decent picture of them. :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My First Bottle!

I'm trying to slowly introduce her to three bottles a day of pumped milk, so yesterday we started with our very first bottle. Brinkli did a great job, but was a tad frustrated that the flow wasn't as fast as what she's used to. I'm just glad she seems to not mind the bottle. That will make her transition to daycare (boo) that much easier.