Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas in White Deer

We had a great time with our family in White Deer. The girls love spending time with their cousins, aunts, uncles and Granny! It's loud and chaotic, but I'm sure we will miss these days of madness in a few short years!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Visit to Santa Land

The girls and Aunt McCaleb
We waited for nearly TWO hours to meet the big guy, and before Makki would cross the threshold of Santa's cottage, she had one request - for Sydni to go first, because she wanted to "make sure his pants weren't undone" before she sat on Santa's lap.  After we were able to stop laughing, Donnie managed to get her to further explain her phobia.  Apparently, the Santa that visited their elementary school had a mishap with his belt. It fell off when he stood up.  I'm not sure how this equated into his pants being undone, but who in the heck knows what is going on in the noggin of Makenzi Hart?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Makki's Christmas Dress

Makki - looking cute for her Christmas party! She's all about dressing in outfits that look like her American Girl's ensemble.

Brinkli - 30ish Weeks

We had a final sonogram (I think it's final) yesterday. Brinkli's estimated weight is 3.7lbs, and for some reason, I didn't ask her length. She's hovering around the 40% percentile and is on pace to be a healthy 7lbs, 3oz. I'm totally cool with that weight, however, I plan on fattening her up over Christmas break. Bring on the holiday treats! Napping and hanging out in my p.j. pants is also part of my operation "Grow Brinkli" game plan. It will be challenging, but I think I can do it. Here are a few 3D shots of her pretty face.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Makki at the Birthday Table!

Our birthday girl enjoyed being the center of attention at school today. Donnie brought her lunch from "Old McDonald's" (what she refers to as McDonald's) and sat with her at the "Birthday Table". She asked her friend Maritza to join her, but Daddy reported that the two didn't say one word to each other the entire meal! Ha!  Sydni was able to leave her Specials class to join them, which also made Makki feel extra special to have her big, cool sister sit at her table. He said Makenzi LOVED the special treatment, and spent most of the lunch break blushing and grinning. I so wish I could've been stay-at-home moms are LUCKY chicks!

December 13th...a VERY Special Day!

Posing on her birthday! She is six years old as of 8:12am.
Her badge says, "It's my SMURFday!"
Syd and Mak
Sweet baby Makki!
She was born with a fiesty spirit!
She has always been a sweetie!
Where has the time gone?
Our December baby and Santa....
Such a beautiful newborn...
She always has a sparkle in her eye!
And a bright smile on her face!
I love my sweet Doodle Bop!

Happy 6th Birthday, Makki!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Dog Poo...Who Knew?

Granny Deb and Pop gave Makenzi a very silly game for her birthday called, "Doggie Doo".  It's a model of a wiener dog that injests fart putty and "poops" it.  The girls giggled for what seemed like HOURS playing this game Saturday night. Here's a video of them making Donnie play this "AWESOME game". :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Makenzi's 6th Birthday Party!

Makki had tons of fun with LOADS of friends at the Body Works on 4th & Slide. We had attended a birthday party there this summer and she LOVED the aerial obstacle course and laser tag. She immediately said "BODY WORKS" when I asked her where she wanted to have her party this year. It was a very fun day for all, and we had 17 kiddos in attendance.  Donnie organized relay-type games on the football turf after laser tag and the obstacle course.  I'm confident in saying that we sent every child home sweaty and exhausted. I know I was! Here are some pics from her "Smurfy Birthday" party!