Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Fun!

Donnie's Mom and Stepdad have a brand new house at Buffalo Lake that we love to visit! Memorial Day weekend, we decided to spend the night on Saturday and hang out on the water. The girls love the boat and anything having to do with being outside in the sun. We're going to have a great time at Pop & Granny's this summer, if this weekend is any indicator!
Strike a pose, Syd!
Boat time!
Pop & Granny
Daddy and Sydni, enjoying the boat.
I have the WHITEST children in the world. We have to douse them in sunscreen every half hour. They do not tan AT ALL!
Helloooooo, ladies!
Swimming with their Daddy. Do you see where they get all of that "whiteness"? Not from Mommy! Ha!
Riding in the tube. They love it!